
Boozhoo and Welcome to Mine Centre School.

Empowering Students to Achieve: We believe that students are empowered to achieve to their potential when school and community come together to provide learning opportunities, time, resources and instruction in a safe and nurturing environment where students value themselves as learners.

At Mine Centre School, we want all students, staff, parents and community members to feel safe, cared for and appreciated. We are continually working to improve relationships through open, respectful communication. Staff are committed to making connections, building trusting relationships and engaging positively with students and parents each day. Wellness for our students and staff is our priority.

Teaching is intentional and flexible, using resources that appeal to the strengths and reflect the culture of our students, our school and our communities. We acknowledge and appreciate the support of our parent community in building the best possible conditions for learning. Parents, Elders and community members are encouraged to get involved, participate with enthusiasm and soar! Soar Thunderbirds Soar!

School Schedule

 8:15 - Supervision Begins

 8:30 - Learning Block

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Nutrition Break

10:50 - Learning Block

12:30 - Recess

12:50 - Nutrition Break

 1:10 - Learning Block

 2:50 - School Day Ends

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